Filter Introduction
I recommend that learning to use filters should follow mastering exposure and
composition. One of the cheapest solutions is the Cokin filter system. The "P"
professional series filters are large enough to "cover" most hard motion picture
lenses and will even cover some zoom lenses at longer focal lengths. I made
a bracket that attached to the Arri matte box rods and held the Cokin "P" filter
holder and added Cokin Modular Hoods for shades. If the hard lenses have internal
threads, Cokin has adapter rings that might match or adapter rings can adapt
to a Cokin ring.. If you put together a Cokin system it is very useful for your
hard lenses and still camera test system.
The Cokin and many other still matte box systems work and cost a lot less than
motion picture ones. They are very light weight and can be made to fit many
hard lenses for rig shots and hand held.
I don't recommend filters as gimmicks to make magic but to solve problems. Bright
skies can be darkened with Polaroids and graduated filters, woman's wrinkles
softened, color added to dull skies etc. Do test them with your still camera
and motion picture film first. The results can be more or less than you expect.
We found that fog filters gave LESS effect on film than seen on the Arri ground
glass. Your still camera will be different. Keep good notes.
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