Shooting on High
Hire an experienced rock climber to worry exclusively about safety. All the
hassles of shooting is no time for any slip-ups. Rigging a ladder to shoot from
if less that 90 degrees is often wise. Make sure that the ladder is not supported
in its middle.
If you have to shoot from a hanging position, consider a circus ladder. They
are a little easier than Jumaring up and down a rope for people not use to Jumaring.
Either is very tiring if you are not used to it and are out of shape. The ladder
will not spin as a single rope can. A belay line to the climber above or below
can keep you from spinning. Even if you are stationary when stopped trying to
pan may be difficult with a single rope.
For actors rappelling or high diving try to find a route that can be climbed
easier than going back up a rope ladder or Jumaring. A long way around may still
take less energy.
Use descending rings and not rope for friction breaks. Friction will melt nylon
and wear through fiber material.
© Copyright 1999-2004 Ron Dexter. All Rights Reserved.