Monograph for Sun Position
While I recommend Parrish's "Sun Path" computer program highly, I don't like
his graph that is generated with every daily report. The scales change at different
times of the year and the path changes shape. This is a minor complaint and
does not reduce the value of this well designed program.
A sun position computer program is needed for this exercise. A great way to
learn sun position determination is to make monographs of the sun through the
day at different times of the year. My version looks at the sky as if it were
a curved wall surrounding the viewer with north at your back. East is 90 degrees
on your left, south 180 degrees straight ahead and west 270 degrees on your
right. Height of the sun is from 0 degrees at the horizon to 90 degrees straight
overhead. The angle that the sun rises and sets to the horizon is accurate for
the first few hours. The paper graph is not curved in the vertical direction
like a hemisphere, but you can imagine that it is.
Download "Monograph Numbers" or create one from "Make a Sun Position Monograph"
if it doesn't download well. Print out or copy a lot of these. Then print out
sun positions from your computer program for different times of the year and
plot them on the graph.
Print out a "true north" Sun Path reports for December 23, mid winter when the
sun is as "far south" as it will be during the year. Place a dot for every hour
at the right height /altitude and compass angle /azimuth for the sun's position
for the whole day. Join these dots and write the time of each hour closely above
each dot. See sample.
Repeat this for March 21 (or Sept.23), June 23, April 22 ( or Aug 22), and Feb.
18 (or Oct 25) Note correction for Daylight Savings Time.
Now you have a graph of the sun's position for 5 major differences during the

Monograph of Sun's Position for Hollywood
This is your "No Instrument Sun Locator". Find true south and this graph will
accurately place the sun in the sky with no instruments if you have learned
the previous skills.
Stand facing true south. This graph is a representation of the sky in front
of you. The sun rises somewhere in the East to your left, reaches a maximum
height in the South at sun noon and sets on your right somewhere in the West.
(See General Sun Information and No
Instrument Sun Locating)
© Copyright 1999-2004 Ron Dexter. All Rights Reserved.